
Addressing Request Failures

In some situations, requests will fail with an error code. These error codes are typically 4XX or 5XX error codes. Please see Errors for an explanation of Rutter error codes.

To get the Rutter Request ID for a specific request, check the X-Rutter-Request-ID header on responses from the Rutter API.

When a request fails, the best way to investigate is to go the Request Logs Dashboard.

You will be able to see all information for a specific request, and look up requests by a connection ID or a Request ID.

Unexpected Data Returned

In some situations, you may see that the data returned from the Rutter API is unexpected. Depending on the situation, data may be delayed, missing, or different than what you expect.

To resolve data isssues, please first go to your Data Sync Configuration and ensure you have correctly configured the data objects & time ranges for data you wish to fetch for all of your connections. Please remember that each type of integration has it's own set of data objects that you must configure.

If you change your data sync configuration, existing connections will NOT automatically adjust to those changes, and you must either create new connections or trigger a backfill for an existing connection to sync data.

If your data sync configuration is configured correctly, please go to your Connections Page, click on the specific connection that has issues, and click the "Sync History" tab. The Sync History will show every sync for each data object that Rutter has run for a connection. You will be able to see when each syncs happened and what new/updated data was retrieved. Some platforms do not support the Sync History because of legacy platform limitations.

How to View Raw Platform Data

One helpful way to understand the raw data from the platform Rutter has access to and how it maps to the Rutter schema is to call a GET endpoint passing in the query parameter expand=platform_data. For example, In the response there will be a platform_data field that has the raw data Rutter is using to construct the standardized Rutter object. You can use this to investigate any discrepancies in the data at a field-level.

How to Understand Why a Field Is null

There are multiple reasons why a field can have a null value in the Rutter API.

One of the most common reasons is that the data is not available from the platform. To confirm this, you should investigate the underlying raw platfom data using the expand=platform_data query parameter. If the field does not exist in the underlying data, this is why the field is null. If the field is available, please reach out to your Rutter support team and file a feature request.

Webhook Delivery Problems

In some situations, you may believe that a webhook was not delivered or delivered incorrectly.

To resolve webhook issues, please first go to your Webhook Configuration and ensure you have set up a webhook URL and selected all relevant webhook types you wish to receive.

If you have correctly configured webhooks, please go to your Webhook Logs to see all webhooks Rutter has sent. You can filter by connection and webhook type to determine whether a webhook has been sent or not along with its payload.

Further Assistance

For additional help, please reach out to your Rutter customer success manager for help resolving the issue. Please make sure to include a relevant request log or connection ID for all issues.